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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tin Year Anniversary

Attention female readers of “Can I Be Frank?” I may need your advice! Maybe? Not sure yet? Please read on.

Later this month we will celebrate our ten year wedding anniversary (you can hold your applause, but thanks). Ten years! Whew. A lot has happened. Three kids, three moves, three jobs. Like everyone married for that amount of time we have had our ups, downs and everything in between. Overall, it has been a fun and, certainly, interesting ride thus far.

OK, enough with the background noise. I did a little research on the old Google machine and what I learned was that the traditional or, at least,

symbolic ten year anniversary gift involves tin or aluminum.

According to www.the-wedding-anniversary-site.com,

"...the tin and aluminum symbols of the tenth wedding anniversary gift represent durability and pliability, meaning it can be bent but not broken. Within your marriage by this stage you will have experience the need to compromise on some things, but your marriage is still going strong,".

Sure, makes enough sense. I'll bite. After considering this fact for a very short while I have come up with (I believe) a few brilliant and meaningful gift ideas that will not only keep with tradition but bring a big smile to the Mrs.’ face.


Here we go...

Tin Foil

Useful, practical, affordable...almost always needed around the house. I would say that encapsulates my lovely wife to a capital T! No?

A Tin Can

The universal symbol for the wandering, free spirit (a.k.a. 'a bum'). I think this gift captures my carefree-throw-caution-to-the-wind disposition which so perfectly balances against Amy's conservative and calculated nature (not to mention, if I do not find gainful employment VERY soon, I will be sent packing with that tin can and starring in my own reality series, "Real Hobos from Essex County"). No, really, I will.

A Tin Whistle

A traditional Irish instrument used to make beautiful music...a lot like she and I have made for the last decade (wait a second...that one almost borders of clever and romantic). Nah.

And last but not least...

The Tobacco Tin

Often referred to as simply a "tin", chewing tobacco is frequently housed in a small tin container. In my estimation, tobacco use – and the tin itself - is representative of loyalty, commitment and a touch of unforeseeable but probable doom...just like marriage. Right?

You know what? As I continue to type and think about all of these terrific tin treats, I realize that my wife deserves them all! Yeah, that’s it. Nothing too good for her.

So, on our anniversary I will drape myself in tin foil….while chewing tobacco….while playing the tin whistle. As for the tin can…that can be my tip jar. How could she not be impressed with that display of thoughtfulness?

Well, I feel better now. Guess I was worried for no reason. I think I have my anniversary plan wrapped up in a bow (pun intended) but if you girls want to weigh in, be my guest.

Warm Regards,

Frank "The Tin Man" McCabe

P.S. Apparently the Daffodil is the 10 year anniversary flower. Maybe that is a safer bet?

P.P.S. Don't forget to find me on Patch as well, http://northandover.patch.com

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